Deaf Culture Books for Children

As a Deaf child growing up in the oral mainstream setting, I lacked access to books that could have guided me through the difficulties I faced. However, today there are many books available for all ages that provide support and resources for Deaf individuals. Here are some recommendations that I. . . + Read More

Certified Hearing Interpreters

There is a common misconception that American Sign Language Interpreters are just people who have a certain level of fluency in ASL which makes them eligible to interpret for any Deaf person on the street. The truth is, American Sign Language interpreters often have a degree in interpreting, studying the. . . + Read More

Deaf Certified Interpreters

While American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are common, Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDIs) are less common.  However, CDIs share many similarities with ASL interpreters, possessing specialized knowledge and skills that ASL interpreters lack training in. The relationship between CDIs and ASL interpreters resembles that between Special Forces and a town Sheriff;. . . + Read More

History of Technology for Deaf People

Before the 20th century, technology to help Deaf people was very rare. Often, they were very expensive or unavailable. Most of the time, Deaf people didn’t know about their existence. They often missed out on information around them, so they had to find ways to overcome obstacles to live their. . . + Read More

Why Learn from Deaf Teachers

In life, we encounter an array of perspectives that broaden our understanding. But one under appreciated fountain of wisdom exists within the Deaf community. As we strive for inclusivity and embrace different abilities, it’s vital we acknowledge the singular insights Deaf teachers provide.  This blog unveils why learning from a. . . + Read More

Irish Sign Language: History + Culture

Dia dhuit, lovely people! (translated: Hello or literally, God to you in Gaelic) Come in and sit down to have cuppa and biscuits with me! Lemme regale you with stories about the Deaf people’s language, history and culture. The History of Irish Sign Language According to Wikipedia, the origins of. . . + Read More

Black Deaf History

At Sign Language Blitz we recognize our shared humanity, and our collective need to observe our specific cultural heritages & histories.  We support people across boundaries of race, faith, orientation and identities in the face of ongoing discrimination, injustice, bias, and lack of inclusion.  Though information and education exist, bias. . . + Read More

How Do Deaf People Learn to Read?

The path to literacy for Deaf individuals is unique compared to hearing individuals, as they navigate a spoken language-centric world to master reading. This blog unravels the strategies and experiences that enable literacy development within the Deaf community. From birth, Deaf infants are frequently exposed to visual forms of communication,. . . + Read More

What Language Do Deaf People Think In?

Language is often seen as the foundation of thought, allowing ideas to take form and perceptions to be shared. For the Deaf, the link between language and thought is unique and captivating. This exploration dives into the fascinating question: What language do Deaf people think in? Visual Languages and Spatial. . . + Read More