The World’s First Public Deaf School

A brief history of the world’s oldest deaf school in Paris, France, otherwise known as Institute National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris. Today, on July 29th, we commemorate the anniversary of the Institut National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris (National Institute for Deaf Children of Paris), a government-recognized and funded. . . + Read More

History of Technology for Deaf People

Before the 20th century, technology to help Deaf people was very rare. Often, they were very expensive or unavailable. Most of the time, Deaf people didn’t know about their existence. They often missed out on information around them, so they had to find ways to overcome obstacles to live their. . . + Read More

Deaf Education: Oral vs Manual

Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell was a teacher at a deaf school in Boston? He was fluent in American Sign Language. His philosophy for the Deaf was advocating oralism. Bell took part in many historic events that nearly caused American Sign Language (ASL) to become extinct. Edward Miner. . . + Read More

The ‘Deaf President Now’ Movement

36 years ago, the ‘Deaf President Now’ movement ignited a revolution. Feels like just yesterday this amazing organization was born. What began as a fight for the first Deaf president at Gallaudet University blossomed into an international conversation about representation.  Deaf President Now paved the way for future generations to. . . + Read More

Irish Sign Language: History + Culture

Dia dhuit, lovely people! (translated: Hello or literally, God to you in Gaelic) Come in and sit down to have cuppa and biscuits with me! Lemme regale you with stories about the Deaf people’s language, history and culture. The History of Irish Sign Language According to Wikipedia, the origins of. . . + Read More

Black Deaf History

At Sign Language Blitz we recognize our shared humanity, and our collective need to observe our specific cultural heritages & histories.  We support people across boundaries of race, faith, orientation and identities in the face of ongoing discrimination, injustice, bias, and lack of inclusion.  Though information and education exist, bias. . . + Read More

Kevionn Woodard is Making History

Picture this. You’re ten years old. You just spent all day at basketball practice at your elementary school. You come home to your mom telling you the craziest news of your life. You’re the first Black Deaf actor to be nominated for an Emmy in the Guest Actor in a. . . + Read More