Deaf Certified Interpreters

While American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are common, Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDIs) are less common.  However, CDIs share many similarities with ASL interpreters, possessing specialized knowledge and skills that ASL interpreters lack training in. The relationship between CDIs and ASL interpreters resembles that between Special Forces and a town Sheriff;. . . + Read More

Tips & Tricks for Learning ASL from a Deaf Teacher

After more than 30 years of teaching, I have advised students on how to enhance their American Sign Language (ASL) skills by improving fluency, retaining knowledge, and developing abilities. Instead of spending time googling numerous tips and tricks for learning ASL, here are some tried and true methods that will. . . + Read More

Tips & Tricks from an ASL Student

Learning a new language should be fun. Practicing shouldn’t feel like a chore, because we all know that if it does, you’re not going to keep at it.  On top of signing up for Sign Language Blitz, taking in-person classes, or going to Deaf events, there are other ways to. . . + Read More

History of Technology for Deaf People

Before the 20th century, technology to help Deaf people was very rare. Often, they were very expensive or unavailable. Most of the time, Deaf people didn’t know about their existence. They often missed out on information around them, so they had to find ways to overcome obstacles to live their. . . + Read More

Deaf Education: Oral vs Manual

Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell was a teacher at a deaf school in Boston? He was fluent in American Sign Language. His philosophy for the Deaf was advocating oralism. Bell took part in many historic events that nearly caused American Sign Language (ASL) to become extinct. Edward Miner. . . + Read More

Team Sign Language Blitz in Seattle

As I gazed out the airplane window across the beautiful Cascade Range mountains. I realized I’d never flown this far West.  Going into the weekend I knew exactly what to expect, but at the same time I had no idea what to expect.  As the plane landed and I walked. . . + Read More

Why Learn from Deaf Teachers

In life, we encounter an array of perspectives that broaden our understanding. But one under appreciated fountain of wisdom exists within the Deaf community. As we strive for inclusivity and embrace different abilities, it’s vital we acknowledge the singular insights Deaf teachers provide.  This blog unveils why learning from a. . . + Read More