The Great British Bake Off, a beloved show for baking enthusiasts, has a unique ability to uncover extraordinary talent in the kitchen. In its latest season, one contestant has captured not only the judges’ attention but also the hearts of viewers around the world. Meet Tasha Stones, a deaf contestant. . . + Read More
Deaf Culture’s Never Ending Goodbye
When you are chatting and are ready to leave, you make a simple gesture of saying goodbye. That lasts, what? 5 seconds? Even in a party, you still make a brief goodbye, perhaps lasting up to 10-15 seconds. However, in the Deaf world, the briefest good-bye may last 10-15 minutes.. . . + Read More
A Deaf Culture Overview
Deaf culture refers to the unique cultural characteristics, norms, values, language, and traditions shared by individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing. . . . + Read More