Why Learn from Deaf Teachers

In life, we encounter an array of perspectives that broaden our understanding. But one under appreciated fountain of wisdom exists within the Deaf community. As we strive for inclusivity and embrace different abilities, it’s vital we acknowledge the singular insights Deaf teachers provide.  This blog unveils why learning from a. . . + Read More

5 Reasons to Learn ASL

American Sign Language (ASL) is a dynamic and expressive language that serves as the primary means of communication for the Deaf community. Beyond its functional purpose, learning ASL offers a wide range of personal, social, and professional benefits. Whether you’re looking to expand your communication skills or enhance your cultural. . . + Read More

Celebrating National Language Month!

Hey there, language enthusiasts! Welcome to National Language Month, where we celebrate the diverse world of communication that brings us together. Today, we’re diving into American Sign Language (ASL). Get ready for some mind-blowing fun facts and linguistic wonders that show you how fascinating ASL truly is! Brief Background of. . . + Read More

ASL Facts You May Not Know

American Sign Language is a beautiful language that is used by millions of Deaf people in America and Canada.  It is a language that has been around for many years and continues to grow and change just like every other language. In this blog, I will be sharing some fun facts. . . + Read More

What are the Five ASL Parameters?

One of the key components of American Sign Language is the use of five parameters, which are used to convey meaning and nuance in signs. The meaning of a signed word can change when any of its key parameters are altered. For example, in English, incorrect pronunciation or spelling errors. . . + Read More

American Sign Language Handshapes

What is a mental movie and how do we produce them? When we visualize something in our minds, it’s like a movie scene of what we recall or imagine. It can be a memory or a possible situation we witnessed. When Deaf people think in English, they have words or. . . + Read More

Names (and “Sign Names”) in ASL

Hi! My name is _________. The ASL alphabet is an essential function of the language and is often relied upon by beginners to communicate while learning more vocabulary.  Check them out below. Challenge: Learn your ABCs, then post a video on Facebook or Instagram fingerspelling your name (add your sign. . . + Read More

ASL Poetry

Every language has art forms centered around it (poetry, music, etc) and ASL is no exception. This post will dive into popular styles and devices used in ASL poetry. Many thanks to Kenneth Lerner, at RIT for interviewing, teaching, and sharing poetry resources! Poetic Devices  Speed changes can be used. . . + Read More

What is ASL?

American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual language that uses the face, hands, and body. Signed languages, like spoken ones, are not universal. ASL is used in the United States, but there are many others worldwide, including BSL (British Sign Language) and LSE (Spanish Sign Language). Instead of telling, American. . . + Read More