Where Can I Find ASL Interpreted Movies?

For those in the Deaf or hard of hearing community, it can be tough to find ASL interpreted movies and TV shows. Closed captioning is more common, but ASL interpretation is not as easy to come by. Thankfully, there are helpful resources out there for those seeking ASL interpreted content.. . . + Read More

What are the Five ASL Parameters?

One of the key components of American Sign Language is the use of five parameters, which are used to convey meaning and nuance in signs. The meaning of a signed word can change when any of its key parameters are altered. For example, in English, incorrect pronunciation or spelling errors. . . + Read More

American Sign Language Handshapes

What is a mental movie and how do we produce them? When we visualize something in our minds, it’s like a movie scene of what we recall or imagine. It can be a memory or a possible situation we witnessed. When Deaf people think in English, they have words or. . . + Read More

Tips & Tricks for Learning ASL from a Deaf Teacher

After more than 30 years of teaching, I have advised students on how to enhance their American Sign Language (ASL) skills by improving fluency, retaining knowledge, and developing abilities. Instead of spending time googling numerous tips and tricks for learning ASL, here are some tried and true methods that will. . . + Read More

Tips & Tricks from an ASL Student

Learning a new language should be fun. Practicing shouldn’t feel like a chore, because we all know that if it does, you’re not going to keep at it.  On top of signing up for Sign Language Blitz, taking in-person classes, or going to Deaf events, there are other ways to. . . + Read More

Team Sign Language Blitz in Seattle

As I gazed out the airplane window across the beautiful Cascade Range mountains. I realized I’d never flown this far West.  Going into the weekend I knew exactly what to expect, but at the same time I had no idea what to expect.  As the plane landed and I walked. . . + Read More

Sign Language Blitz Turns 2 Years Old

April 19th 2017 was the date that the Sign Language Blitz was first stated as a company. Today we are happy to say that we have come a long way from an idea into a real platform. Back in August we released our demo, in December our first beta experience.. . . + Read More

Beta Launch Announcement

Since April of 2017, we been working on making a simple platform to help friends and family of the Deaf community learn ASL, and we’re happy to see it so close to being a finished product. But the work isn’t quite done yet and we need your help. For this. . . + Read More